City of Victoria

Municipal Court

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Search violations

Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  

It would be to your advantage to call the court BEFORE making a payment online. Several options may be available to help you keep citations off your driving record and your charge MAY be eligibile for a compliance dismissal.

Please be aware that not all violations may be paid online.  Some offenses will require your appearance in court or payment must be made in the Municipal Court clerk's office or by mail as additional paperwork will be required.  

Please note: When entering your date of birth in the search function, please use format MM/DD/YYYY.

To view options that may be available, please visit our website.  

Need help?

Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  

It would be to your advantage to call the court BEFORE making a payment online. Several options may be available to help you keep citations off your driving record and your charge MAY be eligibile for a compliance dismissal.

Please be aware that not all violations may be paid online.  Some offenses will require your appearance in court or payment must be made in the Municipal Court clerk's office or by mail as additional paperwork will be required.  

Please note: When entering your date of birth in the search function, please use format MM/DD/YYYY.

To view options that may be available, please visit our website.